Inspire of Central Florida continues to closely monitor events related to COVID-19 in an effort to make sound safety decisions and comply with the prevailing Executive Order, Safe. Smart. Step-by-Step Plan to Re-Open Florida. From the beginning of this crisis, our priority remains the safety of our specialists and staff.
We have been working diligently to create an environment which is as safe and comfortable as possible for the return of direct care services. Our reopening will be in gradual phases, with a small number of specialists in several different groups. All specialists and caregivers will be informed of their group number by an Inspire staff member. We anticipate the first group returning to Inspire on June 1st, 2020. Other groups will be phased in over the weeks following group one. The phased-in reopening will allow staff and specialists to become accustomed to the practices which will be our new normal for the foreseeable future.
Upon reopening, under continued social distancing recommendations and preventative measures, these practices will be in place:
The ADT hours will be shortened, opening at 8 a.m. and closing at 2 p.m. to allow for additional daily cleaning and preparation for the following day. Proper transportation arrangements must be made to ensure drop-off and pick-up times are within this schedule. Arrival times will be staggered by 15-minute intervals, when possible.
Health screenings of specialists will be conducted prior to their entry into the ADT, preferably while the specialist is still seated in their vehicle, to prevent an introduction of a potential exposure into the ADT. Wellness screenings will include a no-touch temperature check and visual wellness observation.
Any person with an elevated temperature or displaying symptoms will not be permitted to enter the ADT. Please do not send specialists to Inspire who are symptomatic and/or medicated with fever reducers or pain relievers, as this may mask contagious symptoms.
Health screenings of staff will be conducted immediately upon their arrival at the ADT.
The wearing of a face mask will be mandatory for all staff and specialists while located in common areas, no exceptions will be permitted at this time. Unfortunately, Inspire will not be able to supply masks for the specialists; they must provide their own. Please work with your specialist to practice wearing a face mask.
Physical touching will be strongly discouraged, to include handshakes, hugs, high-fives, and fist bumps. Please speak with your specialists to properly prepare them in advance of the reopening.
The workspaces for the specialists will be expanded, to include the lunchroom, allowing for more spacing between individuals. Seating will be two table widths apart to provide for proper distancing. Seating will be limited to four specialists per table.
Seating will be assigned. Meals and breaks will now be taken at their individual workspaces. Meal and break times will be staggered.
Social distancing floor signs are in place where wait lines may occur, such as the restrooms, refrigerators, and microwave ovens.
Work simulation materials will be sanitized, quarantined, or discarded after use.
Training materials will be sanitized and/or quarantined within at least 24 hours after use.
Frequent hand washing and hand sanitization will be encouraged throughout the day.
Visitors are not permitted at this time. All guests will be subject to health screenings.
In addition to electronic special advisories, please monitor our Facebook page and website for updates. Please help Inspire keep our specialists and staff as healthy as possible.